Turn off unlock with apple watch mac
Turn off unlock with apple watch mac

turn off unlock with apple watch mac turn off unlock with apple watch mac

He then selected the “Turn off Bluetooth” option on the Mac via System Preferences > Bluetooth and then switched Bluetooth back on. My reader Frank just wrote me in the comment that my approach was not successful for him because he got this error message that a connection with the Apple Watch was not possible. In Keychain Access, look for "Auto Unlock:" and "AutoUnlock" and remove the corresponding entries from the list. To fix the error, I just had to deactivate and activate the option again. Communication disturbed?įunnily enough, when I switched the automatic unlock function on and off several times for the article screenshots, what other users see happened: The error message with the disrupted communication between Mac and Apple Watch was displayed. Communication with the Apple Watch failed. Now the Mac should ask you for your administrator password and you can close the system settings. now deactivate the option "Unlock with your Apple Watch apps and your Mac" and activate it again.

Turn off unlock with apple watch mac